All posts by Krysta Scott

Mother’s Day and other Obstacles

Hi there! I know I’ve been silent for a couple of weeks. In spite of my hope to post weekly, I got thrown off by mother’s day. So I resolved to post the week after. Missing one day wouldn’t be as bad as missing two. But as luck would have it, my computer started acting up. I didn’t know what was happening but my touch screen mouse wouldn’t stay in one spot. In a panic, I brought it to Geek Squad who took ten minutes to fix the problem. All they had to do was deactivate my touch screen. What a relief. I was terrified I would have to replace my computer. An expense I couldn’t afford. Anyhow, I am back. Now I can tell you about my mother’s day and the wonderful things my daughter and husband did.

My eldest surprised me in the best way possible. When I was a kid my family used to have lamb cake for Easter. I grew up in the Chicagoland area. Lamb cake is plentiful there. When I moved to Oklahoma I couldn’t find lamb cake anywhere. I couldn’t understand this because Oklahoma has a huge Catholic population and I thought lamb cake was a Catholic tradition. I found bunny cakes and egg cakes but no lamb cake. As it turns out, lamb cake is a polish catholic tradition. There is a large polish community in Chicago. That explains why I can’t find it in Oklahoma and why most people here don’t know what it is.

So this Easter I decided I would find a lamb cake mold and with the baking talents of my eldest, make a lamb cake. But I couldn’t find a lamb cake mold anywhere and it was too late to order it online. So there was no lamb cake for Easter. But that’s where the mother’s day surprise comes in. My daughter didn’t give up. She ordered the mold and on mother’s day I had my very first lamb cake in years. It tasted just like a remembered. Below is the picture of the cake.



But the festivities didn’t end there. My husband knows that my favorite thing to do is watch a movie in the Warren Theater Balcony. There’s nothing more fun than drinking a Movie Mogul and eating a grilled cheese with fries while cinematic magic happens before my eyes.  My husband took us to see Captain America: Civil War in the balcony. Best mother’s day movie ever! I hope everyone’s mother’s day was a pleasant one. Next time my post will be on a more current topic.

That’s all I have for now. Thank you for reading my post.

Krysta Scott

Runaway: Martini Club 4 the 1920’s available on Amazon

Shadow Dancer coming soon from The Wild Rose Press




Dumb as a Box of Rocks!

I once went to a dinner party where the conversation turned to the state of public education in Oklahoma. It was around the time when my state decided to institute the End of Instruction exams (EOI’s) every year as part of the no child left behind project. It troubled me that the very child who got left behind were learning disabled children. The EOI’s did nothing to assist these children who were hampered by their disability and were in need of extra help. So I asked the educator at the table lots of questions.

After everyone had left, my friend (F) and her husband (H) were discussing the conversation I had with the educator. It went something like this: H-Wow, Krysta is really intelligent. She was asking really interesting questions last night.

F-Well she is an attorney. She is intelligent.

H-Yeah but when I first met her, I thought she was dumb as a box of rocks.

My friend called me the next day laughing at her husband’s comment. I told her he was not the first to think that about me. There is a trait I have that can be described as a little daffy. For instance, when I was in law school, my legal writing instructor told us in extreme detail about the books he was using to instruct us on the art of legal writing. We had two books written by the same author. One to give us the information on research tools and one for exercises. My professor told us in his first lecture how we could tell which book to use for our lessons. I swear I was there but I missed something because I never read the instruction book. I only used the exercise book and was confused about how people knew the necessary information on legal research. Later, I realized my mistake. I bought both books so you’d think I would have caught on earlier. It’s things like the legal research situation that can lead people to think I’m an airhead.

And this is where my newest humiliation comes in. Several weeks ago, I received a phone call from a man who claimed to be from windows support. Could I get to my computer right away? There’s been malicious malware detected on my computer. Since I am a registered user, they monitor my computer and that’s why they were calling. I had just gotten home after work. My husband was not there. If he had been, what happened next would never have occurred. Alas, I was left to my own devices. Not a good idea in this situation.

In the course of a few short minutes, I had logged on to my computer and allowed him access through LogMein. The man on the other end proceeded to show me all the malware on my computer, scanned my computer and showed me the websites for the worms he claimed were on my computer. When he was through, I asked him if he could fix it. He said he could but I would have to purchase the software. That’s when my reason kicked back in. I was shocked that he had scared me with all the malware on my computer claiming he was calling from windows support and wouldn’t help me unless I forked over some money. I told him so. He tried to reassure me but I said I would just bring my computer into the Geek Squad. He countered with I could do that but they would just tell me the same thing. I hung up, disengaged my computer from him and changed my passwords.

When my husband came home, I told him what had happened. He just shook his head. How could I fall for this when I shredded every document with my name on it because I didn’t want people to know where I lived? I know, right? Dumb as a box of rocks. The next day I did call Geek Squad. A very nice young man told me they had gotten lots of calls regarding this type of scam. They used to get one every few months but now were getting them almost daily. He checked my computer using, I kid you not, LogMein. Apparently this software is sold to the public and anyone can use it. Much to my relief everything was fine. But it did nothing to diminish my growing embarrassment at falling for this ploy.

My husband told me that these people are very crafty. They catch you after work. When you’re tired and are thinking of other things. Then they scare you. But that didn’t mollify me one bit. In hindsight, I should have known better.
My name is Krysta Scott and I’m dumb as a box of rocks. That’s all I have for now. Thank you for reading my post.

Krysta Scott
Runaway: Martini Club 4 the 1920’s available on Amazon
Shadow Dancer coming soon from The Wild Rose Press


The day is finally here. Game of Thrones season six officially begins today. I can’t wait because today is the day my eldest daughter may finally forgive me. I’ve never read the books. As much as I love the show, I know I wouldn’t make it through the books. There’s a lot of world building in a fantasy novel. All those picturesque scenes that pass by us in the show, are described in detail. They have to be in order to place the reader in the world of the character. It can take a long time to get to the action. Being an impatient reader, that kind of novel isn’t for me. So I didn’t know how George R.R. Martin left Jon Snow at the end of his most recent novel. But I had heard about the questions surrounding Jon Snow’s parentage.

All last season, my eldest worried about Jon Snow’s fate. She has friends who read the books and had gotten hints that things would not be good for Jon Snow. But she didn’t know what that really meant. I told her there were too many story questions surrounding him and the author wouldn’t kill off a character without answering those questions. This seemed to put her mind to rest. Then we watched the episode.

The end of scene played in slow motion in my mind. I’m not sure I really acknowledged the first stab wound. No one would really stab him would they? Then the second one came. My daughter sitting next to me grew wide eyed and then the onslaught of her anger was directed at me. “You lied to me! You lied to me!” she cried through her tears. “I’m very upset about this.” The last image of Jon Snow staring blankly at the night sky blood pooling around his head said it all. Jon Snow was dead. At least for now. I had lied to my daughter. Unintentionally, yes, but still a lie. I sat in confusion. If there were still things we needed to know about Snow, how could he be dead? Then the buzz started.

Bloggers threw out many theories. He’s a Targaryen. He’ll rise from the fire. Melisandre appeared at the wall at a very fortuitous time. Could she be ready to perform more blood magic? Or will Snow’s fate be tied to his direwolf, Ghost? No one would let Jon Snow die. The fans were sure he would be brought back in some form or fashion.
Then there was the issue of Kit Harington getting a raise for the sixth season even through his protests that his character was dead. The buzz increased when there were sightings of Mr. Harington on the season six set of Game of Thrones. It seemed highly unlikely they would bring the character back just to be dead for the next episode. Those scenes could have easily been shot just before the actors exit. His cryptic statement, “I know how long I’m dead.” And the GOT teaser “But you don’t know how.”

Frankly, I don’t care how as long he’s not part of Ghost. Love Ghost but I want Jon Snow to walk in his realm in the flesh. However, I must admit, the GOT people knew what they were doing by claiming Jon Snow was dead. It kept people talking about the show. It kept people wondering what would happen. And they offered many theories on how Jon Snow would survive the brutal attack. It was a great marketing ploy. Now we have to wait and see what happens. I doubt we will know the answer in the first episode. But I’m willing to wait. AS LONG AS THEY BRING HIM BACK!!!!

That’s all I have for now. Thank you for reading my post.

Krysta Scott

Runaway: Martini Club 4 the 1920’s available on Amazon
Shadow Dancer coming soon from The Wild Rose Press